Saturday, September 29, 2012

Saturday world ~

Saturdays are the best days,aren't they? You don't have to get up early and get dressed for school.It may be a good morning to find a good breakfast recipe and take time to enjoy it! If it is raining outside and kind of dreary - games,reading,listening to music, or talking to friends may be on your agenda. Whatever you plan,keep the talk sweet! Learn something new! keep pushing, Marie saturday,motivation,inspiration,self confidence,self esteem,tweens,tween girls,adolescence,middle school,

Friday, September 28, 2012

keep up the motivation ~ #tweengirls,#selfconfidence,#tweens

"Keep motivated girls! If you are not looking forward to that Math class,make sure you let the teacher or other classmates know.If they do not know you are struggling with a subject,how can they help? Every last one of us has issues, ya know! It's nothing to feel embarrassed about!You owe it to your self to get that knowledge. Besides,we all have different talents.We all have strengths and weaknesses...gosh!Our differences are what makes the world go round. :0), Marie ~ tween girls,middle school,girls,advice for girls,motivation for girls,self esteem,self confidence,tweens,tween blogs,inspiration,self image